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From transidentity to transidentification quick triggering of gender dysphoria in adolescents confronting the malaise of puberty

  • Dernière modification de la publication :16 septembre 2024
  • Post category: Actualités/Publication

Céline Masson (PU, CHSSC, Université de Picardie Jules-Verne), Alexandre Ledrait (MCLPCN, Université de Caen), Anna Cognet (Psychologue clinicienne, membre associé LCPN) et Nicole Athéa (Dr, Hôpitaux de Paris) ont publié un nouvel article dans la revue L’Évolution Psychiatrique.

Masson, C., Ledrait, A., Cognet, A., & Athéa, N. (2024). From transidentity to transidentification quick triggering of gender dysphoria in adolescents confronting the malaise of puberty. L’Évolution Psychiatrique, 89(3), 21-32.


Objectives. This article discusses the new phenomenon of a significant increase in requests for social and even medical transition, mainly from adolescents who identify as trans and often feel uncomfortable in their bodies. In France, as in all industrialized countries, this exponential increase is linked to the use of digital social networks. This phenomenon of transidentification, which we distinguish from gender dysphoria, contrasts with the previous descriptions affecting mainly adult men (who have transitioned in adulthood). We will try to understand this important increase in requests and we will try to understand the meaning of the trans identification of these adolescents. Method. First, in order to understand the emergence and the context of appearance of gender dysphoria in the psychological organization of young people, we will rely on studies that have highlighted the psychopathological comorbidities of transidentification. Then, we will present an analysis of certain invariants identified in our clinical practice, based on a group of 26 adolescents, around psychological history, psychic structure, and family functioning. Results. These elements will allow us to discuss “transidentification,” which is more a process of identification with the signifier “trans” than a fixed identity and which seems to be a solution to pubertal malaise. We will conclude on the types of psychotherapeutic treatments that seem relevant to these adolescents. Discussion. What psychotherapeutic care should be given to these young people? How can we listen to the request for a sex change in a hyper-connected society where images flow in a present time disconnected from history? Conclusion. Transidentification is a concept that seems to us to be heuristic to think about the significant and recent increase of adolescents who present a dysphoria that seems more linked to puberty itself than to gender.

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Celui-ci a été publié dans la revue L‘Évolution Psychiatrique (IF: 0.6) une revue de référence qui publie des textes de psychiatrie au sens large, orientés par la psychologie clinique et la psychopathologie mais aussi ouverte aux sciences humaines.

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Alexandre Ledrait est maitre de conférences en psychopathologie clinique au LPCN, il est également directeur du service Protection-Médiation-Prévention (PMP) – Œuvres de Secours pour l’Enfance (OSE). Service Expert inscrit sur la liste de la cour d’Appel de Paris.