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Risk factors for sex trafficking of domestic minors: An umbrellareview of recent international literature

  • Dernière modification de la publication :27 novembre 2024
  • Post category: Actualités/Publication

Nadine Proia-Lelouey (PU, LPCN, Université de Caen) et sa collaboratrice Gillonne Desquesnes (MC, CERREV, Université de Caen) ont publié un nouvel article.

Proia-Lelouey, N., & Desquesnes, G. (2024). Risk factors for sex trafficking of domestic minors: An umbrella review of recent international literature. Neuropsychiatrie de l’Enfance et de l’Adolescence.


The sex trafficking of domestic minors remains a major problem despite the many laws desi-gned to protect them. This risk has expanded to an unprecedented scale through the Internet and socialnetworks. However, there are no reliable data on prevalence.Methods. – The authors carried out an umbrella review of the literature on the risk of sexual exploitationamong young people by conducting a narrative analysis of the six most recent literature reviews.Results. – A strong congruence among sociodemographic, economic, and family factors was identified.The review was useful in highlighting the complexity of the process of recruitment and retention inprostitution, and in reflecting on protection strategies for young people.Discussion. – There is a debate about whether girls are at greater risk than boys, but all authors agreethat the age group most at risk is young people aged 12 to 14. However, no author links this to theiradolescence, or considers the impact of this phase of development on the potential risk behaviors of theseyoung people. The main finding of contemporary studies is the negative involvement of intermediaryinstitutions such as schools and welfare services. However, these authors did not use these data in theirrecommendations. This should be a priority in future prevention programs.

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Celui-ci a été publié dans la revue Neuropsychiatrie de l’enfance et de l’adolescence (IF : 0.42), une revue qui aborde tous les aspects de la psychiatrie infanto-juvénile et fait le lien entre la pratique de terrain et la clinique.

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