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Deux nouveaux articles publiés en janvier 2024 par le LPCN

  • Dernière modification de la publication :14 mai 2024
  • Post category: Actualités/Publication

Pauline Allix (docteure en psychologie, membre associé LPCN), Amélie Lubin (MCLPCN), Céline Lanoë (MCLPCN), Arnaud Mortier (PRAG, membre associé LPCN) et Sandrine Rossi (PRLPCN) ont publiés en janvier 2024 un nouvel article. Ils sont impliqués est impliquée dans le programme de recherche du LPCN SCOPE.

Allix, P., Lubin, A., Lanoë, C., Mortier, A., & Rossi, S. (2024). Impact of the Metacognitive Educational Program Cogni’Scol on the Academic Success of Middle School Students. Mind, Brain, and Education, Special issue “Involving Young Learners in MBE Research”, 18, 173-186.


What can be done to promote the academic success of learners? More than a question, it is a major challenge of our time. In this perspective, metacognition seems to be a way to empower learners to take ownership of their academic success. Considering the recommendations established in the literature, we co-constructed with teachers a metacognitive educational program, called Cogni’Scol, based on brain functioning in learning. Its benefits were determined through a longitudinal study focusing on the academic success of French students. We followed sixth grade students over a two-year period who either benefited or not from a weekly session of the Cogni’Scol program. Results showed a significant effect on students’ knowledge and representations of brain functioning but not on the students’ academic performances mediated by improvements in their metacognition. We conclude with pragmatic reflections for researchers and educational professionals interested in the implementation of educational programs based on brain functioning in learning.

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Celui-ci a été publié dans la revue Mind Brain and Education (IF: 1,8) une revue publiant des articles et des numéros thématiques spéciaux, abordant des recherches antérieures ou de nouvelles orientations, des entretiens ou des conseils pour les praticiens, dans le domaine de la psychologie éducative.

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Sandrine Rossi (PRLPCN) a également publié un nouvel article avec Arnaud Stanczak (ATER LPCN, docteur en psychologie, Université Clermont Auvergne) et leurs collaborateurs.

Khamzina, K., Stanczak, A., Brasselet, C., Desombre, C., Legrain, C., Rossi, S., Guirimand, N. & Cilia, F. (2024). Designing Effective Pre-service Teacher Training in Inclusive Education: a Narrative Review of the Effects of Duration and Content Delivery Mode on Teachers’ Attitudes Toward Inclusive Education. Educational Psychology Review36(1), 13.


Inclusive education refers to an educational approach in which all students can learn and participate in the mainstream school system. The successful implementation of inclusive practices is strongly determined by teachers’ attitudes toward inclusive education and teacher training is one of several factors influencing these attitudes. Given the diversity of such programs, the present narrative review investigated the optimal design for pre-service inclusive teacher programs in terms of its duration and content delivery mode. For this, we considered and analyzed 31 studies, comprising 36 international interventions. Although most studies did not adequately report statistics to draw unequivocal conclusions, our results suggest an overall positive effect of training on pre-service teacher attitudes toward inclusive education. The effects of the duration and delivery mode of such programs are discussed from the perspective of successful training design in the light of social psychological theories and empirical findings, thus providing novel avenues for future research.

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Celui-ci a été publié dans la revue Educational Psychology Review (IF: 10,1) cette revue interdisciplinaire examine les comportements addictifs sous diverses perspectives et méthodes d’enquête. 

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Félicitations !