Maxime Mauduy (MC, LPS, Paris cité, ancien doctorant LPCN) et Jessica Mange (MC HDR, LPCN, Université de Caen) ont publié un nouvel article.
Mauduy, M., & Mange, J. (2023). Subjective Norm Rather Than Social Norm in the Induced Hypocrisy Paradigm: A Test in the Context of School Bullying Victim Support. International Review of Social Psychology, 36(1): 14, 1–6.
The induced-hypocrisy paradigm is an effective two-step procedure—normative-salience step and then transgressions-salience step—for encouraging normative behaviors. In the context of promoting school bullying victim support among witnesses, this study tests whether the activation of a subjective norm rather than a social norm as traditionally practiced in the hypocrisy procedure can enhance the hypocrisy effect. Middle school students (N = 191) were assigned to either the control, social-norm-hypocrisy, or subjective-norm-hypocrisy conditions. Victim-defending intentions were measured immediately and one month later. The results showed a significant increase, ranging from control, then social-norm-hypocrisy, to subjective-norm-hypocrisy conditions, in students’ victim-defending intentions. These results extend the scope of induced hypocrisy and contribute to progress in investigating processes underlying the hypocrisy effect.
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Celui-ci a été publié dans la revue International Review of Social Psychology (IF: 4.2) une revue internationale de psychologie sociale, soutenue par l’ADRIPS.
Maxime Mauduy (MC, LPS, Paris cité, ancien doctorant LPCN), Nicolas Mauny (MC, Laboratoire de Psychologie, Université de Franche-Comté, ancien doctorant LPCN), Hélène Beaunieux (MC, LPCN, Université de Caen) et Jessica Mange (MC HDR, LPCN, Université de Caen) ont également publiés un nouvel article.
Mauduy, M., Mauny, N., Beaunieux, H., & Mange, J. (2023). Why Do University Students Smoke Tobacco? French Validity of Brief Wisconsin Inventory of Smoking Dependence Motives Among (non-) Daily Smokers and Associations With Psychological Variables. Journal of Drug Issues, 0(0).
This study investigates the validity of the Brief Wisconsin Inventory of Smoking Dependence Motives (B-WISDM) among French daily and non-daily university student smokers. Measurement models, measurement invariances, and concurrent and convergent validity with psychosocial and psychopathological variables were tested. Results (1) confirmed the B-WISDM dimensionality in 11 first-order intercorrelated factors; (2) showed its measurement invariance for the types of smokers; (3) showed that tobacco dependence is only and positively predicted by primary dependence motives, which confirm that they are core components of tobacco dependence; and (4) highlighted specific associations between smoking motives and psychological variables, such as smoking identity and perceived behavioral control with some primary dependence motives, social goads with social norms, and weight control with eating disorders. Thus, external validity of the B-WISDM is extended to non-daily smokers. Specific associations of B-WISDM with smoking-related psychological potentially make it a very useful diagnostic tool to support smokers toward quitting.
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Celui-ci a été publié dans la revue Journal of Drug Issues (JDI) (IF: 1.7) une revue internationale trimestrielle sur le thème des drogues, notament des drogues illicites. La revue est publiée en association avec la Florida State University, The College of Criminology & Criminal Justice.
Jessica Mange est enseignante-chercheuse au LPCN, elle s’intéresse, notamment, aux déterminants et à la prévention de la dépendance et à la prévention de la stigmatisation et de la déshumanisation.