Marie Anquetil (doctorante, LPCN), Nadège Roche-Labarbe (MC HDR, COMETE | U 1075) et Sandrine Rossi (PR, LPCN) ont publié un nouvel article.
Anquetil, M., Roche-Labarbe, N., & Rossi, S. (2022). Tactile sensory processing as a precursor of executive attention: Toward early detection of attention impairments and neurodevelopmental disorders. WIREs Cognitive Science, e1640.
Celui-ci a été accepté par la revue WIREs Cognitive Science (SCIMAGO-SCOPUS Q1, SJR 2021 5.071, IF 5.58, H-index 56).
Il est accessible en ligne à partir de ce lien :
Recent studies in developmental neuroscience tend to show the existence of neural attention networks from birth. Their construction is based on the first sensory experiences that allow us to learn the patterns of the world surrounding us and preserve our limited attentional resources. Touch is the first sensory modality to develop, although it is still little studied in developmental psychology in contrast to distal modalities such as audition or vision. Atypical tactile sensory processing at an early age could predict later attention dysfunction, both of them being part of the symptomatology of neurodevelopmental disorders (NDD). We review the state of knowledge on tactile sensory processing and its links with attention, executive attention in particular, and propose that abnormal tactile sensory processing at an early age could provide markers of executive attention dysfunctions, contributing to the early detection of NDD.
Graphical Abstract

Marie Anquetil est doctorante au LPCN, elle prépare une thèse en Psychologie sur la thématique du dépistage précoce des troubles neurodéveloppementaux, sous la direction de Sandrine Rossi (PR, LPCN) et de Nadège Roche-Labarbe (MC HDR, COMETE | U 1075).